This is the age of the universal remote control, the mum of all remote controls. Remote controls basically operate on the principle of unique codes that are transmitted from them to the receiving device, which recognizes the code and decodes it.
That is why your T.V., home theater system, Dvd player and music principles have their own detach remote controls. This leads to the question of too many remotes, which causes confusion. Now this question is solved with the universal remote control. You can feed the command codes of all your devices into one universal remote operate and use it to operate all their functions. Manuals with universal remotes ordinarily list the codes of distinct brands. Other extraordinary invention is the learning remote, which automatically absorbs and market the codes of other remotes (including universal remotes) and uses them to operate their respective devices. All learning remotes are, therefore, universal remote controls as well.
Universal remote controls are super-intelligent, as they are driven by involved and sophisticated software. Fantasize a scenario where the entire electrical wiring principles of your house is wirelessly associated to your universal remote. Then, while you are sitting on your couch, you can set or reset the safety alarm system, direct Mp3 music to the speakers of your home theater and transfer your digital photos so that you can see them on your T.V. What's more, since your entire house is controlled straight through the universal remote, when you switch on your Dvd player to watch a movie, the T.V. Will be switched on automatically and even the lights will be appropriately dimmed. Impressive, isn't it?
All this is already happening in a few homes. Soon the ease and convenience of universal remote controls will be seen in more homes, doing away with the clutter of many detach remote controls and bringing a digital synergy between all appliances to create a truly absorbing home.
Universal Remote ControlsWireless Internet Receiver DC Motor Controller Electric Motor Repair